On Thu, 1 Apr 1999, Irsan S. P. Siregar wrote:

> |KDE is quite a memory hog, so the best way to speed it up is to get some
> |additional RAM.
> EDO DRAM is quite hard to find now :)

Really? Not here. Guess sometimes it can be an advantage to be in a very
backwards place. ;)

> |You can also try saving memory by killing un-necessary processes (on a
> |home use system, you can usually killall httpd and such) and/or reducing
> |the color depth of XFree86.
> I've been trying to get the screen that show up in the last
> installation process (process to run at bootup). I prefered
> to edit it manually, where's the setting is stored?

If you want to do it the easy way, run linuxconf, select "Control panel",
then "Control service activity".

If you want to do it manually, cd /etc/rc.d/rc3.d (or rc5.d, if you're in
xdm/kdm mode), and remove the files you don't want to be started.

> |Especially on a low memory system, putting the swap partition on a
> |different harddisk than the "normal" partition(s) can be some help too -
> |because if they're on the same disk, there's a lot of jumping between
> |distant sectors (what you're currently using and the swap space) on the
> |disk.
> My second harddisk is very old. Although I didn't understand the
> result below, I don't think hdb can beat hda.

Your hdb is quite a bit slower than hda, but still it might help to put
the swap space there, because that way, hda won't have that many seek
requests. (if they're on different disks, swap and normal harddisk access
don't block each other).
The only way to find out is to try...

> Hope it will came out soon :) I tried other windows manager, still
> I like KDE a lot. The file manager make more sense, even from Win
> Explorer.

You don't need kwm (the window manager) in order to use the file manager -
using WindowMaker or icewm will save some space, and kfm will still work.


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