Mark West wrote:
> I have recently installed Mandrake 5.3, I am pleased that there is an
> alternative to Microsoft.  I am having a little trouble getting Samba to
> work.  I have tried the version that shiped with Mandrake, and I have
> downloaded the latest RH5.2 RPM and installed it with Kpackage.
> I get the same error, "not allowed to logon from this location", or
> something to that affect. If anyone can give me some advise it would be
> much help.  I am trying to provide server space on an Government
> Network.  It sure would be nice to show ADP managers that MS is not the
> only way.
> additional info:
> 1. Netscape works.
> 2. I can Ping the Linux box
> 3. I can see the box in Network Neighborhood.
> v/r
> Mark West

Hi Mark,

I was wondering...are you using NT? That error is most often "caught" when
trying to connect to NT. I'm not too sure about Win98, though. For more info, in
your Mandrake drive, go to /usr/doc/samba-1.9.18p10/docs/
(or higher if you downloaded the latest rpm. There is a bunch of stuff there you
really want to read up. Esp. WinNT.txt and Win95.txt.

It's nothing wrong with Linux or SAMBA installation.

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

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