At 01:59 PM 4/28/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi, there,
>I recently installed Mandrake 5.3 with kernel 2.0.36,
>I found out that there is no ppp support compiled in this version of
>kernel, so I decide to upgrade it to 2.2.1.

Someone please tell me the above statement is NOT true. I uninstalled Redhat v5.1, kernel updated to 2.0.36 which had PPP support. I wouldn't see any reason why the Mandrake edition(s) @ v2.0.36 wouldn't have PPP support. Guess I better check my installation to confirm or debuke the existence of PPP support in Mandrake 5.3 kernel version 2.0.36
>I've done everything mentioned in upgrade kernel how-to, and finished each
>step without error. however, after I reboot the machine, ( I still use the
>boot disk I created when I installed original Mandrake 5.3 ), it still
>boot to 2.0.36, I tried <TAB> while lilo comes up, my new label
>"linux-new" does not appear at all. I am sure I did everything else right.
>like edit lilo.conf, and copy boot image, and even delete "preferred",
>So what is the problem, does the boot disk need to upgrade too?

I would almost guarantee the answer to this question would be yes, the boot disk has to be upgraded also.

Stefan Dozier

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