From: Rich McCabe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I will give that a try. I am not sure what you meant by "where
2=<x=<254". I
> think maybe a typo in there.

    No typo -- x should be at least 2, but not more than 254.
Unfortunately, the standard keyboard doesn't have a "less than or equal
to" character, so I use "=<" or "<=" as I learned when programming in
BASIC several years ago.

> The reason for two ethernet cards is because the Cisco 675 is an
> router and it hooks up to a NIC with a crossover cable. So the first
one is
> for the router and the second is for my small home LAN.

    Seems like you should be able to run the router to a hub, but I
won't swear to that...

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