On Fri, 16 Jul 1999, Sean McMains wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I'm just starting with Linux and really like what I'm seeing so far. A few
> questions, though:
> 1. I got the sound working ok, but it's really tinny, and the bass slider in
> the mixer doesn't seem to make much difference. Does this just mean I've got
> a cheesy sound card, or is it possible it's just misconfigured? I bought the
> machine used, and I can't tell anything about the sound card's make or
> model.

> 2. Xconfigure has done a decent job finding settings that will work, but
> whenever anything on screen animates (minimizing windows, sliding that tool
> bar thingy in and out) the screen goes kind of jittery. As soon as the
> animation finishes, the jitters stop too. I'm using the monitor for several
> other machines, and it works fine. The video is the built-in video on the
> Dell OptiPlex GMT5133 with 2MB of VRAM running at 1024x768 at 16 bits. How
> do I stop the jitters?
> Thanks in advance for any help!
> Sean McMains

I'm not clear what you mean by jitters, is it slowing down or is it more
like bad tv reception. Judgeing from the hardware i'd lower the resolution
or try a lighter windowmanager..

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