What brand is your video card?  I have noticed hardware instability on some under all op systems, often first apparent under X, but also presenting problems under win95  (sometimes a line of rainbow dots, sometimes a line of text underscored or mudded out, always a LOT of 95 crashes, which is why it is harder to notice there, since it is difficult to tell if a crash is Win95 or hardware)  The worst offender seems to be the Cirrus Logic 9436 and others of the 9xxx series.

VERY GOOD X servers are available free from www.XFree86.org, and most of them are already on your distribution CD.  Sometimes timing loops in the modeline in /etc/XF86Config need to be tuned slightly, but more likely you can clean up the video by getting better hardware for a very modest price.  I have made OLD CyrixGX and SiS on-board videos work like champions, but I have never found anything that will work for Paradise or Cirrus Logic Cards once they start to deteriorate.  The Jaton cards are available lots of places for modest prices and use pedestrian Trident chipsets which produce good video under stock Xfree86 drivers.  www.carlind.com is one such site,  (No, I don't work for them.) and you can actually order on line from them with your file manager  -- Yes, their shopping cart works fine with kfm.


Sean McMains wrote:

> I'm not clear what you mean by jitters, is it slowing down or is it more
> like bad tv reception. Judgeing from the hardware i'd lower the resolution
> or try a lighter windowmanager..

Sorry about the ambiguity. It's more like bad TV reception. The icons are
briefly visible about an inch to the right of where they normally are, but
not for every scanline. So it looks a bit like ghosting, only more digital,
if you know what I mean. I tried a lower resolution to no avail. Besides, if
the card supports that resolution, shouldn't it work if the driver is
properly written? Or are we still in the process of working out bugs for the
various video cards?

Like I said, I'm new to all of this, so be gentle if I'm being dopey. :)


Civileme Say:

"One who buys dual scan display soon gains Optometrist for best friend."

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