> > Perhaps someone can identify it as a Winmodem from its name.
> According
> > to Windows, it's a TOSHIBA Internal Modem (V.34 33.6 Data+Fax+Voice).
> > It's on what Windows calls "Toshiba Modem Port (COM2)" (which ought to
>     I can't identify it for sure, but "Toshiba Modem Port" does sound
> suspiciously like something for a Winmodem.  What resources does that
> port use?  IIRC, it ought to be on i/o 2e8; if it's much different, it's
> probably a Winmodem.

I hope "Toshiba Modem Port" is just another Windowsy lie.  At least
Windows fessed up to the fact that it was COM2:.

Windows sez that the driver is "comm.drv" which sounds generic. 
Hopefully that means that this modem has no quirks that need to be
worked out by the driver.  It might also mean that the generic Windows
drivers can handle Winmodems.  comm.drv is 5856 bytes and has a
timestamp of 8/24/1996 (pretty old) at 11:11 a.m. (reminds me of World
War I).  The port *is* COM2:.  The IRQ is 3, and the address is 2f8. 
Those are standard.  Hmm... there is an identifier fro it:
UNIMODEM3F6D9A10.  Does that mean anything to anyone?
  ___  _   _ ____  _   _
 / _ \| \ | |  _ \\ \_/ / .--------[ ICQ#: 35256413 ]--------.
| |_| |  \| | | | |\   /  | 01001000011001010110110001101100 |
|  _  | \ \ | | | | | |   | 01101111001011000010000001110111 |
| | | | |\  | |_| | | |   | 01101111011100100110110001100100 |
|_| |_|_| \_|____/  |_|   `--[ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]---'
<http://zap.to/andygoth/>           <http://andygoth.cjb.net/>
Two strings walk into a bar.  One string says to the bartender
"Give me a beer &#G%safdsdfa."  The second string says "Pardon
my friend.  He's not null terminated."

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