I want to buy a new external modem for use with Linux since the one I
currently have doesn't appear to work.  Before I waste any money,
though, I need to know whether or not this modem can be made to work
with some special driver not part of the standard distribution (or
something like that...).

Perhaps someone can identify it as a Winmodem from its name.  According
to Windows, it's a TOSHIBA Internal Modem (V.34 33.6 Data+Fax+Voice). 
It's on what Windows calls "Toshiba Modem Port (COM2)" (which ought to
be /dev/ttyS1).

When I try to dial in Minicom, it tells me to "Hang up first!"  No other
modem-related program has made satisfactory communication with it.

Is this a Winmodem, or is my problem solvable?  How can I know for
sure?  Modems aren't free... and I'm poor...
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 / _ \| \ | |  _ \\ \_/ / .--------[ ICQ#: 35256413 ]--------.
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<http://zap.to/andygoth/>           <http://andygoth.cjb.net/>
Two strings walk into a bar.  One string says to the bartender
"Give me a beer &#G%safdsdfa."  The second string says "Pardon
my friend.  He's not null terminated."

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