I am also a home user, although I am having a few problems, especially with my sound card (Acer FX-3D -- AD1816 which is supposed to be supported, but can't get it to work) and my mouse (don't think my Matsonic 3 button mouse on COM 1, configured as Generic 3 button mouse with 3 button simulation works as a 3 button mouse) works.  I did use UNIX (I especially liked SGI's IRIX - hated Sun's Solaris) before I retired.  It took 18 months to find a version of LINUX which would work with my video card (Mandrake 6.0).

Dan Brown wrote:

From: Richard Salts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I wonder.  Are there any home users on this list?

    I'm a home user.  I'm also a tech support rep for a major ISP.
There's no way I'd recommend Linux to the majority of the people with
whom I deal daily.  For the most part, it's not a matter of intelligence
or competence, it's a matter of mindset.  To use Linux effectively, you
have to think as a sysadmin at least part of the time, and you have to
care about knowing how the computer and OS works.  Windoze and
(especially) MacOS tend to discourage this--their mindset seems to be
that you don't need or want to know what's going on.  With Linux, you do
need to know, whether you want to or not.

    If we were shipping out preconfigured Internet-only boxes, I
wouldn't have a problem with Linux as the OS--we'd set up all the
hardware, software, etc., and it'd be ready to go, out of the box.
However, we don't do that.

Murray and Diane Strome
1275 Burnside Road West
Phone: (250) 479-6448
Fax:   (250) 727-3427

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