On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, you wrote:
> Somebody was saying to me that he believed Linux was a good corporate tool
> but not a good op system for home use because of it's steep learning curve.
> What do the list subscribers here think?  Think Linux-Mandrake isn't ready
> for Prime Time yet?
> I wonder.  Are there any home users on this list?
> Thanks for any replies,
> Richard

I have been using Linux (Mandrake and Red Hat) sans MS Windows for almost a year
now.  We can do anything a windows user can do and more.   I did need a book to
learn basics, and everyday I am learning more, not just about Linux use, but
about computers in general.  It depends upon what your computing needs are.  If
you want to have everything done nice and easily for you and if you do not
mind giving up flexibility and money, Windoze is for you.  Linux is more complex
because it can do more.  If you take the time to learn, you will have a
powerful computing Operating System at your disposal. 

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