>I have been using Linux (Mandrake and Red Hat) sans MS Windows for almost
a year
>now.  We can do anything a windows user can do and more.   I did need a
book to
>learn basics, and everyday I am learning more, not just about Linux use, but
>about computers in general.  It depends upon what your computing needs
are.  If
>you want to have everything done nice and easily for you and if you do not
>mind giving up flexibility and money, Windoze is for you.  Linux is more
>because it can do more.  If you take the time to learn, you will have a
>powerful computing Operating System at your disposal. 

So in other words, No, Linux isn't ready for the Average User, if I may be
so bold as to claim that an Average User has only an average, and not
above-average, interest in "getting under the hood". Sacrificing
flexibility and money for ease of use is what rational consumers do - not
everyone has time to be an enthusiast or hobyist for absolutely everything.
I'm sure I could by a much more powerful and flexible microwave oven
(probably from some crazy guy whos torn his open and exposed everything),
but I'm not into microwave ovens.

Now, what pleases me about Mandrake, is Mandrake actually seems to be aware
of what the Average User wants/needs. The FTP mirrors list actually tells
you what you need to download. They're obviously putting a lot of effort
into visual installation and configuration tools. Etc, etc. I guess that's
why they won Best Distribution.

Linux will certainly become a perfectly sane choice for the Average Joe
(and we all know who Joe is, despite the inevitable "Who exactly is the
Average Joe, anyway?" type of rebuttal). Profit motive will see to that.
And when it does, it'll be because of efforts like Mandrake's.

Keep up the good work!

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