On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, Richard Salts wrote:

> Somebody was saying to me that he believed Linux was a good corporate tool
> but not a good op system for home use because of it's steep learning curve.

I disagree.
Linux is more powerful, not more difficult, than Windows.

If people are telling you Linux is stuff like
find / -name "*.txt" -exec perl -p -i -e "s/Blah/blah/" {} &>/dev/null \;
they're ignoring the fact that you probably won't need to know this and
you won't need to understand what it does.
This particular thing is a shell command saying 'find all files ending on
.txt, then search them for occurences of "Blah" and replace them with
"blah"'. Yes, it does look cryptic for a beginner - but a beginner won't
need it and it's something you definitely can't do that easily in Windows
or DOS. And saying Windows is easy because there's a number of things it
just can't do is quite odd ("Notepad is better than WordPerfect because it
doesn't have all the complicated settings I don't understand and won't
ever use!!!").

You can do pretty much everything a home user will need in the graphical
interfaces, KDE and GNOME. They are somewhat different from Windows, but
not more difficult.


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