Rick Fry wrote:
> Cute. I'm running Mandrake 6.0 with crummy graphics, Windows 98 second
> edition and Windows 2000 release candidate 1 with 1280 by 1024 by 24 bit
> graphics and I haven't seen a bsod in months. I'm running on a celeron 400
> with 128M of ram and 20G of disk space. Haven't frozen up or crashed in that
> many months either. In as much as I'm willing to learn Linux/Unix, you guys
> need to get out of the Windows 95/Windows 3.1 syndrome. Windows has grown up
> lately and it's obviously passed you by.
> Ooops, I take that back. The machine has frozen up a couple of times trying
> to get my version of Red Hat to give me better graphics.
. Visit http://www.msn.com

I made the move after 2 years of Hardcore gaming with Win95/98.  As soon
as I heard that I could play Q1/Q2/Q3 on Linux, I moved over......

I've been running Mandrake now for just over 2 weeks, and I have my
Banshee and Soundblaster Live working perfectly, Netscape is stable and
I have no need what so ever to use a Microsoft OS any more. Quake III
looks better on Linux (Q3 compatible Banshee drivers for Win 95/98/NT
are dreadful and unstable) and the steep learning curve is just what I
needed to add a little more interest into my life.  Unreal Tournament is
gonna be released for Linux, Kingpin ports are in beta stage and Tribes
2 is gonna be ported so I figure that by the time Linux really takes off
(I reckon another year or two) then I will be a newbie no more!

I think now is the perfect time to get into Linux so that when the
masses decide to give it a try, we can just all sit back, relax and
praise ourselves for taking it up when we did :-)

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