On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, John Aldrich wrote:

so that means, that the card is fine and my video timings are out of
whack. maybe the xf86config works differently for mandrake out of the
box and whatever i can download from xfree86 (with the SVGA server). 
i'll check that out, i
guess, cause out of the box would be nice. i looked into the
video timings howto and it scared the %$#@@ out of me.
maybe i'll dabble with the video modes in /etc/XF86Config a bit more.
my monitor is a cheapo sylvania f72 which is not listed anywhere.
whatever is on the spec sheet (off their web site) does sure not work
with xf86 out of the mandrake box (neither rh5.2 for that matter).

> On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, you wrote:
> > At 10:16 16/08/99 -0400, you wrote:
> > >On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, you wrote:
> > >> (ati rageIIc video card).
> > >>
> > >According to www.xfree86.org/cardlist.html this does not
> > >appear to be a supported video card (at least not
> > >directly.) You might want to consider getting a different
> > >video card that IS supported by X.
> > >   John
> > >
> > 
> > I use the ATI Mach64 RageIIc in all my linux boxes - they work fine out
> > of the box. It's available as a selectable option in Xconfigurator. Both
> > PCI and AGP cards work beautifully.
> > 
> Yeah. I didn't realize it was a Mach64. I looked at the
> http://www.xfree86.org/cardlist.html and couldn't find a
> "Rage IIc" card... 'course I wasn't LOOKING for a Mach64
> card. :-)


 Ingo Korndoerfer               phone   : 541-346-5867 (desk)
 Institute of Molecular Biology           541-346-5874 (computing room)
 University of Oregon                     541-346-2570 (mol. biol. lab)
 Eugene, Or 97403               fax     : 541-346-5870
 USA                            e-mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                www     : http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~ingo/


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