I sent out the file ZipZAP.kdelnk setup for /dev/hdc....

Here is one for hdd.

It's no big deal, just right-click (button 3) the icon and open with kedit and change the /dev/hdd to whatever device your removable storage is recognized as, then save back.  Remember there is a corresponding entry in fstab which had better name the same device.


Civileme wrote:

Item 1....  Check the mode of /mnt/zip

Item 2...  Short file attachment for your K desktop...  use /mnt/zipzap in /etc/fstab and in making your mount point directory...  Don't forget as root

mkdir /mnt/zipzap
chmod 0777 /mnt/zipzap

I set it for hdd.  It could as easily be hdc, hdb, sdx, etc., depending on what sort of zip (or jaz or SPARQ or EZFLyer) you use.

your fstab line is correct, except remember the mount point is /mnt/zipzap

And you should have the icon once you drag  zipzap_u.xpm, zipzap_m.xpm to /usr/share/icons and then drag the other file (ZipZAP.kdelnk)  to your desktop.

The process of writing a script file to auto copy these files to their proper locations and to do the whole thing automatically without echo is left as an exercise for the student. <WEG>

Joel VanderWerf wrote:


I'm having  trouble mounting my zip drive (100M NEC ATAPI) from an
account other than root.

I set up a disk with mke2fs. And here's the relevant line in /etc/fstab:

/dev/hdd                /mnt/zip                auto
sync,user,noauto,nosuid,nodev,unhide 0 0

Then I can mount the disk with:
[root] # mount -t ext2 /dev/hdd /mnt/zip

This lets me create new directories and, presumably, other things. But
when I become a user, I can no longer mount:

[root] $ su joel
[joel] $ mount -t ext2 /dev/hdd /mnt/zip
mount: only root can do that

I thought that was what the "user" option in fstab was for! I even tried
changing "nosuid" to "suid"

Any ideas?

BTW: is there any significant difference between NEC and Iomega zip
drives? The invoice for my new computer says Iomega, but the installed
drive is a NEC. Just wondering if I should demand a replacement....



Civileme Say:

"One who buys on leading edge soon know feeling of slide down razor blade of

# KDE Config File [KDE Desktop Entry] UnmountIcon=zipzap_u.xpm MountPoint=/mnt/zipzap Comment=Zip_drive Icon=zipzap_m.xpm Dev=/dev/hdc ReadOnly=0 FSType=default Type=FSDevice

Civileme Say:

"One who buys on leading edge soon know feeling of slide down razor blade of
# KDE Config File
[KDE Desktop Entry]

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