Jeanette Russo wrote:
> After dealing with Linux problems for the last week on Mandrake 5.3 I made
> the jump to Venus 6.0.  I am starting to regret not reinstalling Mandrake
> 5.3.  Now I am dealing with more problems.   Everytime I shutdown hda6 does
> not unmount (device busy).  I know this is a bug.  The Mandrake updates does
> not work.   Can someone tell me what I need to do to fix this keeping in
> mind I am a newbie who is trying but is becoming very discouraged.  If
> someone could guide me through the steps to fix this I think I can do it.
> TIA,
> Jeanette


I had many of the same problems you are experiencing with file systems and
PPP connections dying until I installed all of the Mandrake 6.0 updates. The
problem was that I could not get my PPP connection working until the updates
were installed, so I could not download the updates from Linux using the
Mandrake Update utility, a catch 22. What I ended up doing was downloading
the updates from Windows, then mounting the Windows partition from Linux and
copying the update RPMs across to Linux and then installing them. After that
I was able to configure everything and it all worked!

Hope this helps. I'm a Linux newbie too ( been running Mandrake 6.0 for
about 3 weeks ) so maybe some others have more specific solutions for you. I
was frustrated getting 6.0 installed too, but it's really great once you get
everything working, so don't give up!
Scott Miller
Running Linux Mandrake 6.0

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