Well u can start multiple X sessions ... (be careful abt your resources though
like ram etc)...

ALT-F1 then startx -- :1
then CTRL-ALT-F2 and startx -- :2
then you have one X on CTRL-ALT-F7 and another on CTRL-ALT-F8!

the one and two after the colon is the display number (i think) so it can be
anythigna nd need not be sequential ... in fact this works as well but i dont
use it often (unless i mistype) startx -- :!

On Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 06:17:37AM +0000, pete moss wrote:
> so hiting alt-F[1-6] gives me six virtual terminals.  if i am running x,
> then it lives on 7.  does eight or higher do anything?  i can flip to
> them, but there is just a flashing cursor at the top of the screen.
> :P

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