Every time i switch to ctrl alt f1 f2 or some other virtual console, then try to
switch back to my xwindows, my machine freezes. Keyboard locks up, and monitor
goes blank. I have left it a few times, just sitting there for 5 or 10 minutes
thinking maybe it was slow in responding... but nothing, the only way to reboot
the machine then is hitting restart or turning off the power completely... any
clue on how to fix that?

The x starts at startup, and the kde login manager is the one that starts up.
(basic info)


> Well u can start multiple X sessions ... (be careful abt your resources though
> like ram etc)...
> ALT-F1 then startx -- :1
> then CTRL-ALT-F2 and startx -- :2
> then you have one X on CTRL-ALT-F7 and another on CTRL-ALT-F8!
> the one and two after the colon is the display number (i think) so it can be
> anythigna nd need not be sequential ... in fact this works as well but i dont
> use it often (unless i mistype) startx -- :!

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