You're absolutely right, Todd. 

Everyone deserves to be reasonably compensated for the creative and 
productive "value-added" work that they do.  Sadly, there seem to be three 
extremes that get in the way:  1) Greed -- some (like monopolistic, 
anti-trustworthy Microsoft and grossly over-paid athletes, actors, corporate 
CEOs, etc.) who excessively, disproportionately, and unreasonably profit 
from whatever "value-added" they contribute to society; 2) Theft -- those 
who steal the value-added of others' work, whatever it may be, without being 
willing to pay reasonable compensation; and 3) rip-off-artists who profit 
disproportionately on the work and productivity of others.  (One has to 
wonder-out-loud what "value-added" lawyers, packagers, and the advertising 
industry provide to society.  For a $5.00 box of cereal a farmer gets what, 

It could be argued that the computer software "shareware" concept and the 
GNU-Linux "open source" initiatives just might be among the most significant 
developments in the history of mankind.  For in this we see the very best of 
humanity -- many, many talented people freely sharing their best efforts for 
the good of all -- and many appreciative users supporting those efforts in 
various ways.  But then, sadly, there are too-many who want everything free 
and contribute nothing to anyone. 

Perhaps the web will remedy this problem in creative new ways that we have 
not yet seen. 

On Friday 05 July 2002 12:13, you wrote:
> While I'm all for sharing and sticking it to the RIAA, MPAA, and "the
> man," I tend to side with the artist on this issue. It would be nice to
> see a distribution system in which the artist could reap the benefits of
> his/her labor more than the record label.
> It's great to share as in free software, but you are projecting your
> ideas about sharing onto others. How do you make your living? Shall we
> all of a sudden decide that your labor should be shared for free,
> without any input from you? People who develop free software do so
> willingly. I don't think it's fair to project that onto others so you
> don't have to spend $15 on a crummy CD.
> Lately I'm having a hard time finding music I want to purchase anyway.
> That's the fault of the record labels and FM radio. Blah!!
> I know this will be an unpopular position on this list, so let me
> practice moving side to side and ducking . . .

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