Did you try using a different window manager?

* Anne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020716 13:11]:
> On Tuesday 16 Jul 2002 7:02 am, you wrote:
> > > The Mem used is creeping up all the time.
> >
> > Normally, that's OK as well, since Linux wants to use all the available
> > memory -- what's not active for programs is used for disk and for cache,
> > which is a good idea, since unused RAM is wasted.
> OK
> >
> > But having the system slow down to a crawl is certainly not normal. Some
> > people on the list suggest the offender may be jabberd but I'm not sure
> > that's something you installed (do a ps aux | grep jabber). jabberd is
> > something that is known to gradually swallow RAM -- on my machine it
> > was eating about 200 megs (out of 256) after about 3 days.
> anne      4391  0.0  0.1  1792  596 pts/1    R    10:06   0:00 grep jabber
> I didn't think this was there - I don't use an instant messenger.
> >
> > > Drastic it may be, but I may have to.  Could you elaborate, please?
> >
> > Well, you just click on 'logout' from KDE which will kill all KDE and
> > X related processes, leaving you at a console shell prompt (if you start
> > kde with 'startkde').
> Logout appears to stop X briefly and then goes straight back to the KDE 
> login.  There i s a long black screen delay before switching to the KDE login 
> splash.  The first part seems OK but there is a long delay at the loading the 
> desktop - almost a minute - and the panel and restoring session icons are 
> there a very long time, too.
> It does seem to be X, I think, as once a Konsole is opened it responds fast 
> enough, and so does text editor.
> >
> > > The KDE startup was extremely slow and everything else has been slow
> > > since.
> > >
> > > The system is almost unusable.
> >
> > Ouch. How long has it been since you restarted?
>  10:10am  up 13:12,
> Whatever it is, it is being saved/restarted on bootup.  Last night it was 
> taking almost a minute to open a folder.  This morning it is slightly better, 
> at about 20 secs.
> I don't ask for the session to be re-started, but I suppose that the message  
> may not be what it seems?
> I think the trouble may have started when I was trying to add my SCSI film 
> scanner.  Afterwards I switched the scanner off, and then told kudzu to 
> remove the configuration, so there shouldn't be anything left.
> Apart from that, I've run out of ideas.
> Anne

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