I would word that better, makes you sound like a fanatic..

perhaps something along these lines.

You are using Microsoft Internet Explorer (tm)

Before you proceed onto the site, I would be remiss in my duties if I didn't
tell you of the Security flaws inherent in Internet Explorer, so far more
then 20 different methods of stealing your data or damaging your computers
OS have been found and documented for people using Internet Explorer.
Not only that, but Microsoft is encouraging the use of their proprietry
methods which should it proceed as they plan, would result in an internet
that is reliant upon you buying Microsoft products whenever they decide you

As an alternative that is truely open in standards and totally free, pleaes
consider Mozilla.

hows that sound??  :-)



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Todd Slater
Sent: Wednesday, 18 September 2002 10:31 AM
To: newbie
Subject: [newbie] OT help writing my deny IE page

Well, I'm finally getting around to writing a little rant about why IE
isn't the best browser so I can show it to my visitors who use IE before I
let them see my pages. I would like to keep it short and sweet, and
thought I'd open it up to suggestions from you folks.

Here's what I have so far:

Before I can let you look at [page], I feel that I should warn you that
Internet Explorer is not the best browser. In fact, it's probably not even
the third best browser.

In addition to its well-documented security problems, IE just wasn't
designed with the end-user in mind; it lacks many of the features of its

Luckily, there are alternatives to Internet Explorer. Try any of these
browsers for one week and I guarantee you'll only keep IE around for those
few sites you really need to use and whose webmasters are assholes who
only know how to design for IE.

Galeon (linux)
Chimera (Mac)

[bold] I understand that Internet Explorer is a lousy browser that enjoys
its dominance not due to its features or functionality, but rather due to
Microsoft's illegal monopolistic practices. Furthermore, I realize the
security risks involved with using Internet Explorer. [/bold]

Accept          Decline

Hee hee!
Todd Slater
Not currently listening to tunes
I believe that the testing of the student's achievements in order to see
if he meets some criterion held by the teacher, is directly contrary to
the implications of therapy for significant learning. (Carl Rogers)

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