On Wed, 2002-09-18 at 12:49, Franki wrote:
> I would word that better, makes you sound like a fanatic..
> perhaps something along these lines.
> You are using Microsoft Internet Explorer (tm)
> Before you proceed onto the site, I would be remiss in my duties if I didn't
> tell you of the Security flaws inherent in Internet Explorer, so far more
> then 20 different methods of stealing your data or damaging your computers
> OS have been found and documented for people using Internet Explorer.
> Not only that, but Microsoft is encouraging the use of their proprietry
> methods which should it proceed as they plan, would result in an internet
> that is reliant upon you buying Microsoft products whenever they decide you
> should.
> As an alternative that is truely open in standards and totally free, pleaes
> consider Mozilla.
> mozilla.org

The page which lists the N vulnerabilities (N=19 at the time of writing)


Rather than '... 20 different methods ...', I would say 'So far dozens
of security flaws in Internet Explorer have been found which allow a
malicious person to take control of your computer, steal data therein or
damage its operating system; almost 20 of those flaws are currently
unpatched' with the last 2 words linking to the URL above.

Last paragraph:

Alternative browsers include Mozilla or Opera (Linux), Mozilla, Galeon
or Opera (Linux) and Onmiweb*, Chimera** or iCab*** (MacOS).

[People could argue forever about what 'open standards' mean, so I'd
leave it out. Note that Opera and Mozilla are also available on MacOS
but are considered 'clunky': also, that IE is a totally different beast
on MacOS, being developed separately from IE for Windows and containing
valuable facilities that are not in _any_ other browser].

* http://www.omnigroup.com/applications/omniweb/

** http://chimera.mozdev.org/

*** http://www.icab.de/


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