Alex Flinsch wrote:
> I will be getting my new system on Monday evening, and intend on converting
> it to a dual boot win98/linux system. Anyway, I will have a whole 8.4G
> drive totally devoted to Linux and was wondering what the optimal
> partitioning scheme and mount points should be.
> Anyway I realize that the above question is somewhat subjective and based
> upon the intended usage of the machine. What I plan on using it for is
> mostly learning Linux/Unix type of programming (I'm a MVS guy with 15 years
> experience looking for something new). I am also considering on using it to
> share a cable or dsl modem with some win98 machines in the house sometime
> early next year ( don't know which yet as both the phone comapny and cable
> company have promised access in early February, but I am leaning towards
> dsl).
> Any ideas on installation options and partitioning schemes? I am open to
> all ideas.

For a newbie, first time install, I'd suggest:

        10M     /dev/hda1       /boot
        127M    /dev/hda2       <swap>
        8.3G    /dev/hda3       /

Nice and easy and you'll probably never run out of space in some odd
little partition.

Actually, that's what my home machine looks like.  It doesn't provide
any Internet services, so I don't have alot of worries about people on
the outside screwing with the machine.  The server we installed at work
is, of course, a bit more detailed in it's partitioning.  

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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