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On 13 Sep 99, at 13:25, pol keem wrote:

> when i reboot after incorrect shutdown...it says some
> disks were not unmounted correcty and to 
> and asks me for root passwd...
> after i give it the passwd and type fdck it says one
> line about parallelizing...
> so i exit and it says...
> you're nobody...go away...
> and then after more error messages it goes to the
> login prompt and says...internal error....
> i've reinstalled it twice and got the same result
> after rebooting whenever it freezes...
> any ideas?...
> ===
> polkeem
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No one will answer you because no one wants to admit that linux 
freezes up like this.  It didn't used to, I have seen enough X 
crashes but never any lock ups.  Not until I started using mandrake 
and kde/netscape.

The problem is the filesystem writes to the hard drive 
asynchronously to speed up read/writes.  If it freezes up before a 
write, you just lost that information.  Async was added because 
linux was extremely stable and they could get away with it.  But 
now?  Do we start mounting hard drives with -o sync?

It should not even be freezing in the first place like this.  It 
happened to me and then it happened to some freinds of mine who 
also installed mandrake.  No crt-alt f2 no ctr-alt-bkspc no three 
finger salute.

Anyone else experiencing complete kernel freezes like this?  What 
about in other distro's?  If we lose the single selling point of 
linux(stabillity over the competition) the what remains?

Sorry if I seem like a pessimist,


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