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On 13 Sep 99, at 18:46, Manny Styles wrote:

> I wonder if Joe has updated his kernel.  Since doing so, I have not
> had any crashes or lock-ups, but that could just be me.  If you are
> using Mandrake 6.0 "out-of-the-box" as it were, the unmounting problem
> should be expected, as it is documented on the Mandrake web site (and
> numerously in this mailing list).  It doesn't seem to happen to
> everyone, but it has seeemed to affect most of us, so I'm assuming it
> has something to do with certain system architechtures.  Not even
> Mandrake can be perfect, but at least we were all notified as soon as
> the problem was identified, and a fix was out shortly.  Who else gives
> tech support like that?  Hmm...
> Manny Styles

Yes, joe is using the updated kernel.  If you had even bothered to 
read the message this has nothing to do with init scripts or 
improper shutdowns.  This has to do with linux locking up like 
everyones favorite OS.  That and the fact that linux does not 
always recover well from these lock ups.  For most of the newbies 
here coming from the aforementioned OS, these lockups seem 
normal.  The truth is, it shouldn't be locking up at all.  I have seen 
at least 5 on my own box, saw two on two other boxes.  Wild bill at 
the linux bits has been plagued with all sorts of lockups(newbie) on 
his athena box(using redhat I think).  There is some talk on the 
kernel mailing list about beefing up the file system a bit to recover 
better from crashes.  Doesn't this bother anyone at all?  Maybe we 
are rushing into untried grounds alittle, ey?


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