i'll get the updates...

but is there any way to recover my machine from this
error without having to reinstall?

--- Manny Styles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: pol keem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, September 13, 1999 4:25 PM
> Subject: [newbie] reboot after incorrect shutdown
> > when i reboot after incorrect shutdown...it says
> some
> > disks were not unmounted correcty and to 
> > and asks me for root passwd...
> > 
> > after i give it the passwd and type fdck it says
> one
> > line about parallelizing...
> > 
> > so i exit and it says...
> > you're nobody...go away...
> > 
> > and then after more error messages it goes to the
> > login prompt and says...internal error....
> > 
> > i've reinstalled it twice and got the same result
> > after rebooting whenever it freezes...
> > 
> > any ideas?...
> > ===
> > polkeem
> > __________________________________________________
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> > 
> Get the kernel and initscripts updates from a
> Mandrake ftp mirror.
> Manny Styles
> ---
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