I've converted my laptop to Mandrake 9 now, but still find it mandatory
to use my old WInXP partition (although I hate it more every day) only
because I am so heavily dependant on Outlook (MAPI
messaging/scheduling/groupware), and things like the CheckPoint mgnt
console, other security-object management consoles which are built for
Winblows, etc.  At home I'm still using XP because I like my ATI Radeon
7500+remote card and haven't been able to find a place on the web that
describes how to get that working well...and ATI sure doesn't support
LINUX too well, heh.

I'm hoping that the tide starts to turn even faster so that my Inspiron
8100 can be converted entirely to LINUX from my pathetically unstable
WinXP platform.

If anyone can recommend some good software to reduce my dependance on
Outlook, Visio, etc, PLEASE DO SO, I'm open to suggestions.  I'm in one
of those positions to recommend...we have a couple fortune 10 clients at
work...one of them is quite dependant on us for their security as well
as other intiatives....I only regret that this is the best place I've
found for LINUX support.....there aren't very many "active" message
boards....sure mandrake-user.org has posts but...you get one reply
every, what, week?

Thanks guys - let's keep the ball rolling!!

+      Ralph                     | Internet Systems & Security   +
+       Boundariez.com           | -"Specializing in Paranoia"-  +
+    ralph[at]boundariez[dot]com     |  Never understimate the power +
+    AIM: SekurityWizard         |         stupid people         +
+    ICQ: 2206039                |        in large groups        +

-----Original Message-----
From: Todd Flinders [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 9:43 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Windblows

If the military makes changes to OOo and the binaries of those changes
in-house, then they are not violating the GPL if the code stays in-house
well.  The violation would only occur if they distributed the binaries,
in your scenario of a raised security classification wouldn't happen.
would not distribute the binaries or the source.  So, all is still well
far as I can tell.

On Thursday 10 October 2002 12:18 pm, Alastair Scott wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Oct 2002 17:08:06 +0000 Miark 
> > shane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> saith:
> > > ...the last asset, money, is startiong to get tied up between 
> > > courts, payed off poloticians, dropping economy, and great 
> > > ventures like the xbox...
> >
> > Excellent commentary on M$, Shane. About the _only_ thing you left 
> > out was this beautiful dash of salt: the latest cancer OS by 
> > Mandrake has spread to said xbox ;-)
> Well ... I work on a military project which is specifying a 
> combination of off-the-shelf and bespoke software.
> I was handed a paper today which studied in great detail (50 pages) 
> the security of Microsoft Office. It was damning and stated it _could 
> never_ be secured and that an alternative was _mandatory_ if anything 
> other than unclassified information were to be on the same PC.
> The suggested alternative was OOo and the clincher was the 
> availability of the source code; if insecure it could be secured. 
> (This adds an interesting wrinkle to the GPL; if these security fixes 
> increase the security classification of the software the updated 
> source code cannot be
> redistributed!)
> So the fortress has already fallen but nobody can hear it fall ;)
> Alastair

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