On Thursday October 10 2002 01:54 pm, Robin Turner wrote:
> shane wrote:
> > many a tech feels like the CTO of my wifes company, a fortune 500
> > company told me he feels: "we always knew their security was bad,
> > but 6000 patches later we get hit by bugbear.  so what did those
> > patches do?"
> That is a fine quote!
> Sir Robin

     My brother is the latest bugbear victim (yesterday). Tho I gave him 
a computer with Mandrake installed over a year ago (dual boot)  ... his 
whole (computer) world revolves around Windoze.  He can't imagine 
anything else. Even tho I've pointed out to him that the $$$$'s he's 
invested (squandered) on M$ applications can easily be replaced by free 
software that runs on Linux, boot Winsux only to play games that won't, 
and never ever use anything M$ to connect to the Net. 

    Dan (my brother) is afraid of his computer. He's not even capable of 
installin Windoze without a _lot_ of hand holding.  He's saddled with 
mostly self derived misconceptions and M$ FUD.  Sadly he's a typical 
windoze user.  Since he rates right up there with most M$ users, he 
believes he's computer literate.  He emailed me askin if he should 
delete kernel32.dll since it was causin' all the illegal operation 
errors. (I was tempted to say 'good idea' ;)  Dan, "But I didn't open 
any email attachments"  <hehehe>   He's got Zone Alarm and Norton AV 
runnin, thought he was protected <misconception>.

   So here's my take. Dan's typical of 90% of M$ users, most of which 
don't even know there's alternatives other than Macs.  With M$ havin a 
90% share of all desktop users.... 90% of 90% means that M$ will at 
least keep ~80% of the desktop business, no matter how good the 
alternatives get, how bad and greedy M$ gets, for a long time to come.  
Unfortunately many CEO's who make IT procurement decisions are in the 
same boat with Dan.  MOF, till he retired last year, he was one.
    Tom Brinkman                  Corpus Christi, Texas

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