Anne, and all:

(Looking at the "First suspect -  me" has traveled quite far and
abroad compared to what it was first intended for. :-) So, I started a new

Since everything here is archived, I really like the idea that we organized
what we have found to make it easier for searching. When someone needs to
know, we point them to this subject line (if they are looking back in the
archives) or use it as the basis for a search in their favorite flavor
search engine.

The archive, in the simplest of form, is a database. The list is the data
and the filtering mechanism is the search engine provided by Mandrake on
their site. The same is true, of course, with the use of a Web-wide search
engine. Both of these methods work, but it would be nicer to see something
more specific to this particular issue. If one of the listserv members was
already Web capable, with a server that could be used to post findings
through a fill-in form, we (and more importantly, Mandrake) could search
specifically among records that are only on this issue. A nice dream, huh?
Maybe not realistic, and probably a little too much work for the one making
the server side happen.

So, here's what I think we could do, instead. We post information on our
system specs and experience with supermount here, in a formate that is
consistent for maximum search results. Here's an example form, just to show
the format I was thinking of:

Subject: supermount
Contact: Technoslick
Machine: Workstation #3

System Specs
Make: Clone
Model: N/A
CPU Model: K6-2
CPU Rating: 500 MHz
MBoard Mfg: EPoX
MBoard Model: EP-58 MVP2C-M
Chipset: VIA Apollo MVP3 AGP/PCIset
Memory: 128 MB DIMMs x 2 SDRAM PC100
CPU Bus: 100 MHz
Cache: 512 K
Video: S3 Savage 2000
Video Memory: 64 MB
Video Bus: AGP 2X

Peripherals Installed
Floppy: 1 x 1.44 MB
CD-ROM_1: Liteon DVD LTD163
Connection: IDE (USB, Parallel Port, SCSI, etc.)
Channel: 2nd (SCSI ID #)
Position: Master
CD-ROM_2: Phillips CD-RW PCRW404
Channel: 2nd
Position: Slave
Zip: No
Other: (list LS-120s, and other devices that come under control of
Findings: Generally, no problems, though I have found that backing out of
the drive in Kongueror, ejecting CDs when possible, using refresh with
floppies, works best. Sometimes, CDs hang and I cannot eject, but not that

Etc., etc., depending on whether we want to track all devices that
supermount affects or just CD-ROMs. In my opinion, if you are trying to give
Mandrake the best possible poll of data, I would include normal floppy
drives, LS-120s, Zips, USB devices that can be mounted and unmounted, etc.

Now, the first thing that comes to mind is that this is a LOT of data to
cough up and submit to the listserv. Those who don't know how to get all of
this data, or are not capable of finding it all, would find it hard to
complete a form fully enough to make it useful information. Most of us have
only one or two machines. Most of this information can be gleaned off of
Mandrake's HardDrake, or by other means at the console level. As a few post
requests on how to find this information within their system, a few replies
will provide permanent answer that can be searched for by newcomers to the
list later on. The blank form can be copied from this post, or from
whichever has the design we mostly agree upon. This strictly voluntary, and
therefore should be respected as such. If there is enough of us who want to
take the time to post a form, we should do so for Mandrake's sake, as well
as out own. Those who think this is ludicrous, a waste of their time,
etc, problem, don't post one, but please respect those who did.

I think the effort is worth it. By using a simple form, searches are prone
not to miss all posts specifically on this topic. In a way, we all become
unofficial beta test members, offering our findings in an organized manor
for them to find a solution for those having problems. In time, as more
members submit their equipment specs and findings, patterns will most
definitely show themselves. Whether for Mandrake or ourselves, we create a
mini-database within the listserv that helps, Mandrake, us and future
newbies looking for answers as to why this doesn't work right for them. And,
if it works well? We can use the same concept on other issues that seem to
be inconsistently a concern for many.

Here's the blank form from above. Those wishing to modify it for submission
as the one that we should use can copy into their post. Feel free to add or
delete as you all see fit, however, let's all keep in mind that we come from
many cultures and walks of life. This is a very large committee, and as
such, could drag out the creation of this form forever, if everyone has to
be made happy. Let's get the labels down to where they at least make sense,
and add only the information that helps Mandrake (and us) see the patterns.

Submission Form Prototype
<copy to future posts, do not reply to this one to submit your information!>

<beginning of form>
Subject: supermount

System Specs
CPU Model:
CPU Rating:
MBoard Mfg:
MBoard Model:
CPU Bus:
Video Memory:
Video Bus:

Peripherals Installed
<end of form>

What do you think, Anne? Everyone else?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Anne Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 24, 2002 2:46 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] First suspect - me

On Saturday 23 Nov 2002 11:04 pm, Technoslick wrote:
> I believe the same. Therefore, after having said what I did in my earlier
> post, I still would like to see us all look for fixes. There's so much
> talent coming here that I find it hard to believe we can't systematically
> find some direction in helping Mandrake resolve the idiosyncrasies, if not
> come up with the fix ourselves. Your comparison was perfect, to my mind.
> It's an intermittent problem that comes and goes, leaving some not
> believing the problem exists and others wanting to kick if for the trouble
> it has brought to them.

I've been thinking about this.  Is there any mileage in trying to make a
database, to attempt to find patterns?  For instance, I would think that the
things most likely to affect it are bios version, motherboard, cd, dvd,
and floppy - you may be able to add others.  Since most of us will know
little about the floppy drives, we would have to discount this and
concentrate on the others.

If we, for instance set up a thread with column headings for each of these,
could those who have problems add their details - make, drive speed etc?  If
any similarities emerge it would perhaps give Mandrake something to go on?

Just a suggestion - if it's impracticable we could think again.



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