tar.gz is a tared gzipped file as is tgz. the command to uncompress and extract
the files is:

tar xzvf some-tar-gzipfile.tar.gz

tar: it is the basic command

x: tells it to extract the files
z: tells it the file is gzipped and it needs to gunzip it
v: tells it to be verbose
f: tells it to use the file you give it 

To tar and gzip a file using the tar command do this:

tar czvf some-tar-gzipfile.tar.gz source

c: tells it to create

On Sun, 19 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> "Eric L. Damron" wrote:
> > 
> > Thanks for the info Brett.
> > 
> > And BTW I am a newbie to Linux and I have been RTFM almost constantly and
> > I'm getting F*&king tired of RTFM so if I can get a little information
> > without RTFM, I certainly will.
> > 
> > So, If anyone out there can tell me how to install a "tar.gz" file so that I
> > don't have to RTFM I would appreciate it!
> > 
> >
> I'm a newbie also, and like you, I get real tired of RTFM.
> Unfotunately
> it's the best source of information. I installed a .tgz file with
> tar [options] myfile.tgz I don't remember the [options] part so, sad
> as
> it is, man tar is how you find out which ones you'll need.
> Bob J.
Brett Jones

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