Thanks Brett!  Sorry if I seemed a little cranky in my last message.  I've
covered so much ground in such a short time that I'm going brain dead.

I want to create a web site that interfaces with the PostgresSQL backend.  I
also need to protect various parts of my web site via logins.

I have a ton of projects and am feeling very overwhelmed right now.

Thanks for all of your help.  It is appreciated!

-----Original Message-----
From: Brett Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, September 19, 1999 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] How do I install php-3_0_9_tar.tar

>setting it up is not to difficult if your comfortable with Linux, but if
>completely green it will be tough. Go to this site and download the .pdf
>that covers web database set up ( You will have
>RTFM, but it's a good how-to that covers it well without to much overhead.
>He also has a good how-to on samba, setting up a webmail service, ip masq,
>apache+mod_ssl+php.  I remember a failure when building one of the packages
>using this guide, but it was an easy fix. I you run into it drop me a line.
>Go ahead and download and build apache as per the guide, don't use the
>one from mandrake.
>Good luck, let me know if I can help. By the way what are your plans with

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