In reply to sean's resopnse:

Hay man, Although linux is great, it still wont take down MS for many years to
come. I dont think one OS os better than the other. I use each for different
things... Linux is great to compete with MS, and give people a choice. But were
still gonna have to live with both OS's and co-exist for a LONG LONG time. I
dont think linux will or shuld take over the OS market. People must have
choices. If they like Windowz, fine... linux, Be, whatever. I jus think the OS's
shuld co-exist, so the user of one OS wont loose out on the features another one

Theres my feeling on the matter :-)

Sean Pritchard wrote:

> Wait a minute Fellow Newbies!
> I thought that one reason we started converting to Linux was to break
> away from MS systems and Apps?
> If we start putting in requests for MS Apps, MS will bungle up the
> beauty of this OS and it's community.  I am not a purist, but in look at
> it this way.  If I own a Dodge Ram, I don't want Ford redesigning and
> building accessories for my truck, nor do I want them to do any
> maintenance on it.
> But,  third party mechanics can take a look, and do service on it if
> they are qualified and respect my property.  They'll have warrantee
> liscensing to be qualified, to ensure the customer satisfaction and
> protection.
> MS was to OS's and computers as Henry Ford was to cars.  Big Bad Bill
> setup the mass production and implementation but Ford does not have the
> most dependable vehicles, nor were they the inventors - BENZ has a
> product that is fast and decades durable and dependable and the
> engineering is out reach for Ford to impliment in there vehicles.
> There were hybrid vehicle corporations out there that died -
> AMC=Ford+GMC,  they couldn't even take the best of both to do it.  So
> CHRYSLER had a mind to buy it up and revamp it.  They had the brains for
> marketing and technology to do it.
> DOes Linux have the edge to do something like this to MS?, we'll only
> see in the decade ahead.
> Sorry for the deep philosophy...
> Regards,
> Sean
> David van Balen wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, Donny wrote:
> >
> > > Hey, does anyone know of a version of IE for linux? Or if any of the
> > > Unix versions of IE will run under linux?
> >
> > I believe the only versions of Unix supported by IE are HP-UX and Solaris.
> > I very much doubt that MS has any plans to port their product to Linux for
> > obvious reasons... then again, I may be wrong :)
> > Neither of the above versions should work with Linux as far as I know.
> >
> > >
> > > Thanks!
> > >
> > >
> >
> > David van Balen
> > mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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