On Wed, 2003-01-15 at 07:28, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-01-15 at 07:52, Brandon Vanderberg wrote:
> >   But, obviously, HTML should be avoided.
> > 
> > Yes, and I want to download 9.1 with Xmodem. Anybody got mandrake's
> > modem number? 
> > 

> I generally take this in the light spirit that it was posted in.
Glad to hear it. ;)

> too I think it needs to be understood that on mailing lists and also
> quite a few newsgroups HTML is strictly banned.
Agreed. And since those are the only important sources of email, we're
all safe in here. 

  I think this is just
> common courtesy, not only for bandwidth reasons, but also because there
> are quite a few people out there who read their mail without having a
> feature that strips html out of the text. 
Absolutely, who would expect an email client to include the same
functionality of something like Lynx. That thing's just a big
bandwidth-sucking pig.
 Evolution allows me to read
> html messages, but the way they are formatted and presented is quite
> annoying.  Straight text is much friendlier.
Yeah I use Evolution too. I wish I could find an OS and email client
that would let me tailor my experience to suit my needs. Then I could
...oooh..... look at that.

Registered Omish Linux User 000001

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