On Wednesday 29 Jan 2003 2:28 pm, Fred Fraley wrote:
>       When I start KDE, from the graphic login screen, it takes 1:10-1:15 before
> I get to the KDE splash screen, then another 1:00 on just the loading
> peripherals section.  Everything else seems to load fairly quickly.  Gnome
> is about as slow, but I haven't timed it.  IceWM and WindowMaker load in
> just a few seconds.
>       Is there any way I can generate a log file showing each item loaded with
> the time so I can see where the delay is?  Anyone with another suggestion? 
> I use IceWM most of the time, but some things just seem to work better on
> KDE or gnome.
>       Fred

If you edit the file /usr/bin/startkde around line 104, comment some lines out 
like this :-

# Laurent kde2.2-30mdk scan-nsplugins
#if [ -x /usr/bin/nspluginscan ]; then
#   /usr/bin/nspluginscan

Now next time you startkde it will not waste time searching for new 
netscape/konqueror plugins. This saves about 15 seconds on my system.
The downside is. When you *do* install a new plugin. You have to press the 
'Scan for new plugins' button in KDE control Centre before it can be used.




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