On Thu, 2003-01-30 at 01:28, Fred Fraley wrote:
>       When I start KDE, from the graphic login screen, it takes 1:10-1:15 before I 
> get to the KDE splash screen, then another 1:00 on just the loading 
> peripherals section.  Everything else seems to load fairly quickly.  Gnome is 
> about as slow, but I haven't timed it.  IceWM and WindowMaker load in just a 
> few seconds.
>       Is there any way I can generate a log file showing each item loaded with the 
> time so I can see where the delay is?  Anyone with another suggestion?  I use 
> IceWM most of the time, but some things just seem to work better on KDE or 
> gnome.
>       Fred

Something you could try is to delete all the .kde* files from your
~/home/yournamehere/ directory as well as and files in the /tmp that
have DCOP or .KDE-YOURNAME in them - then after that, try starting KDE

It could be several things - path statements, lib path statements or
environmental variables that cause KDE to "lag" when starting up...try
the above resolution and see if that fixes ya.

Thu, 30 Jan 2003 07:55:01 +1100
  7:55am  up 14:54,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.05, 0.14
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 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

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