might try the following how-to


Thomas & Peter wrote:
> I am a total newbie. I've  had a computer for 1 1/2 years.  I never
> worked with Dos. I got sick of Win 98 always crashing.  I have
> everything running  except my sound card.
> I am running Mandrake 6.0 and my sound card is a Sound Blaster Live. I
> went to their download site and downloaded the driver.  It has two ways
> to execute it, automatic and manuel.  When I try to use its self
> install. I get the error "can only run executibles on local disks only".
> I thought that was what my hard drive was.  I even tried to install it
> the manul way but had no luck at that either.
> Creative is not offering any help for linux at this time. Do you have
> any suggestions.
> Thomas

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