
On Sun 2003-03-16 at 00:01:29 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Should be fine at 50C.  If your memory is in 2 sticks, try taking one out.
> If it still crashes, switch them!  If it's ok you've found your problem.

I doubt it is a memory problem. I am no hardware expert but had my
share of misc. hardware problems and never had or heard of faulty
memory causing immediate lock-ups.

I agree with the docs which suggest either bad cooling (fan, bad heat
dissipation, ...) or bad power supply (power supply unit, connector,
motherboard, ...) are probably causes.

Ronald, what kind of power supply do you have? 230W, 300W? (or
whatever is standard where you come from ;)

> Make sure you,ve got good air circulation, esp. round your vid card
> - they can get real hot too.

Agreed. A good test (not for the faint-hearted :-) is to run with open
case and use a hair-dryer or alike (on "cool" setting - or whatever
that might be called) in direction of the CPU and see if it makes a
difference in how long it needs until the CPU locks up.

> What speed and timings are you running the memory at?  Try slowing it down
> to CAS 2.5 or set it to a safer setting in BIOS

Can this really be the cause of lock-ups? Never had that happen to me.

> From: "Ronald J. Hall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I grabbed and installed cpuburn 1.4 last night, then ran burnMMX.
> It won't run longer than 2 minutes before I get a full lockup that
> requires a hardware reset or powerdown and back up.
> That from a shell with X running and without.
> This is an AMD XP2100, 512megs DDR (PNY) Ram, Soyo Dragon Plus MB, Nvidia
> Geforce 4 Ti4200, etc, etc, with nothing overclocked.
> The CPU has a 5 1/4, 3000 rpm fan/heatsink attached to it, and BIOS
> reports 50 degrees celsius for it, and 27 degrees Celsius for the
> system.
> The literature with cpuburn suggests that my CPU is not getting
> cooled enough but from what I've read, 50 degrees Celsius should be
> okay, right?

Well, I would put more credibility in the CPU lock-up than into what
the BIOS is reporting. ;-)

> PS Note that all the hardware is basically "new", less than 3 months
> old.



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