Todd Slater wrote:
I'm working on a shell script that will take news headlines from google
news and email them to me. It uses google's categories (business,
entertainment, health, sports, science/technology, usa, world) and lets
you choose how many headlines you'd like from each category (can be 0, A
for all, or another number).

wget pulls the pages from google, then the script processes the pages.
You get an email with the category heading, the headlines and links to
the stories, something like this:

Another Clone Milestone as a Mule is Born in Idaho

Novell Douses 'Smoking Gun' Against SCO,3959,1112253,00.asp

Amazon vs. Apple in music downloads?

I'll add this to a cron job so it's waiting for me when I arrive at
work. I would certainly appreciate your trying it out and giving some

You can get it at

Thanks, Todd - this is a nice script. I've just run it, and caught up with the latest on SCO!

Sir Robin

"Hackers appear to wear black more because it goes with everything and hides dirt than because they want to look like goths."
- Eric Raymond

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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