On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 00:22:03 -0500
Tom Brinkman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>    Keep in mind my usual advice on this list is that hardware needs 
> to be eliminated from any problems, specially if it's a ready made, 
> in the first place. OC'd or not. OTOH, if it's there, RUN IT!!
>    Windoze reviews: the current darlings are the nforce an newer KT 
> 400a/600 chipset boards runnin AMD XP's. P4's are bitin the dust, 
> still no decent chipsets to run on. OTOH, are these winsux reviews 
> applicable to Linux?  As far as chipsets go ....yes an no. nforce* 
> chipset boards have several unresolved issues with Linux, gcc, an 
> GNU. Forget anything SiS. As far as Winblows reviews on hardware 
> sites, disregard, IMO, is usually the better idea. They have little 
> to do with a real OS.
>    So, just a report. I changed out a tired an old oc'd 1.4 Athlon 
> (1.553g) on a Soyo KT133a chipset with sdram, for an XP 3000+ with 
> Kingston DDR400 on an Aopen AK77-400 Max with a KT400a chipset. 
> Didn't really wanna but the ancient (8 years!) ram was startin to 
> fsck'up on the old mobo. Run hard, put up wet. Might'a been the cpu 
> L caches anyhow...
>    Pulled the case out from under the table, changed out the 
> motherboard/ram/cpu. What'a heck, tryin boot. ...... No problemo,
> harddisk recognized a differnet NIC (now onboard), different AC97, 
> now 5.1 surround, and 9.2 cooker went about it's business. No 
> disruption for aDSL or sound. HDD's love the new board /cpu/ram/ 
> controllers.
>     So went to testin and clockin. The Kingston ram was a 
> convienice. I got it bundled with the cpu/mobo. It was a variable, 
> even a concern since it's only sold by Mwave as Cas 3 DDR ram. 
> After several weeks testin tho, the ram has performed flawlessly at 
> Cas2.5, Ras/Cas 2, pre-Charge 2, at 2-bank, now DDR427. Way over 
> it's specs. Ram is what'll do, an I'm not sure I've found the top 
> of this Kingston yet. Still, I wish I'd gone to the trouble of 
> gettin Crucial or Corsair.
>    Currently (as I type), the XP is at 2301mhz (13x177, 354 FSB, PCI  
> 35.2mhz) and rock steady. I keep inchin it up. Might go a bit or 
> more further. I haven't tried reducin the multiplier and goin to a 
> 200+ FSB yet. I reckon I'm better off stay'in with oc'd 166@ 177 
> since the PCI is only out'a spec @ 35.2mhz, an the AGP is just over 
> 70mhz. Some view this mistakenly as overclocked. It's not. It's 
> just out'a spec. Damn nVidia card was complain, but recent cooker 
> updates to XFree86 cooled that off. (XFree86-4.3-19mdk)
>     I know y'all believe memtest86 is _THE_ test, an I confess I run 
> it first too. But it's a weak test. It sort'a sux. Better is 
> mprime's #17, the torture test. Harder still, the acid test is, 
> cpuburn's 'burnK7'. One or two passes with memtest is a breeze, run 
> mprime's torture test thru test #1800 or so, run burnK7 for 25 
> minutes ..... then you know your hardware is stable. So far I am 
> with an XP core at 2301, CL2.5-2-2-2 DDR427. 
>   So I gott'a XP Whatever (3600+?) that RUNS like a scalded ape. 
> Glibc compiles are a lot shorter ;)   No Winsux ;)
> -- 
>     Tom Brinkman                  Corpus Christi, Texas

So what were you needing your newbie help with Tom?


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