> BUT: kopete will be able to run AFTER 15th of Oct, cause you can sign the
> eula in kopete.(information from a worker in my company. he read this on
> www.kde.
> org/kopete
> he said it will be version 0.8 of kopete. i didnt found something, i've
> to trust him ;)

Yes but who in their right mind would sign that EULA?

Yes a number of my friends have already decided to go over to ICQ.

Unfortunately the Jabber GUI for Windows users is not nearly as nice as ICQ
under Trillian or I'd get them to use that instead.

BTW Anne yes this is for hotmail users as well as the EULA is in regard to
your .net passport.

John Willby
Registered Linux user number 321644
ICQ: 92791912
YIM/AIM: vicarofwibley
Linux is like a wigwam - No Gates, no Windows, Apache inside.
11:49:09 up 1 day,  1:24,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00

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