On Mon, Oct 18, 1999 at 08:44:12AM -0400, Michael Lueck wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Oct 1999 23:17:46 -0400, Steve Philp wrote:
> >To check what Linux detected, use the command 'free'.  The output will
> >look like:
> Right on the nose! Total Mem= 14616
> Should I have used the paramater when starting the install to tell it I have
> 128MB? This last time I didn't want to look up the boot paramater so I just
> used the expert paramater.
> Your instructions worked 100%
> So, if this is a bug, how shall I report it.

Unfortunately, it's a hardware bug.  BUT, the good news is that it SHOULD be
worked around in the 2.3.x/2.4.x kernel (when 2.4.x is released, of course).

There are a number of ways to ask a machine how much RAM is installed.  Some
of those ways will crash a machine in extremely unpretty ways.  For the
2.2.x line of kernels, Linux takes the safe route and believes what the
machine tells it based on a single method.  Since your hardware lies, you
have to call it's bluff manually.

Hope that helps!

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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