On Mon, 18 Oct 1999, John Aldrich wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> > In the KDE environment as root, navigate to the /etc folder, and
> > right-click the lilo.conf file, then select "text editor". Add the
> > line below in the image section:
> > 
> >     append="mem=128M'
> > 
> > Include the quotes this time. The line is just above the read only
> > line in my lilo.conf file. This should help. It is my understanding
> > that by default, Linux will use 64 Meg of RAM, and the above line
> > will tell Linux to use the amount stated. Then save the file, and run
> > lilo from a konsole window. This will re-configure the boot
> > loader, then when you are finished, re-start your system, and you
> > should be using all 128 Meg of RAM. I hope this helps,
> > 
> Actually, the amount of RAM the system will use depends
> solely on the system. Some systems (such as my home
> machine) will autodetect ram greater than 64 megs. I think
> it depends somewhat on the BIOS/motherboard.
>       John

I'd believe it. I got the parameter out of the RedHat 5.2 Instalation
Guide, and it helped my old box to work better, and it sounded like
maybe the above was a similar problem, so I passed it on.


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