Further to my last post

"Do you have a Consumers Association or similar body in the US that
get fired up about this? 


I'm going to try to agitate the UK one.


I've written to the Consumers' Association in the UK, Which.
Here's a copy of the letter - we'll see what happens.


[letter follows]

"Dear Which Campaigns,

I have been a member of the Consumers' Association for many years and
know how effective your campaigns can be on issues affecting consumers'
rights and welfare. I want to alert you to some extremely dangerous,
far-reaching, extensive, monopolistic developments, already well under
way, that are greatly to the detriment of our interests in many fields
and that desperately need determined opposition from consumer groups
across Europe. 

The software giant, Microsoft, is pursuing a strategy on many fronts
aimed at achieving a total stranglehold over all information traffic,
whether in the home or the office, personal or public, leisure or
business, forcing it out of the privacy of individually-owned PCs onto
the internet in channels meant to be wholly controlled by, and
accessible only by payment to, Microsoft. Microsoft is attempting to
fetter mobile telecommunications and channel television to its home
computer systems as a further part of this strategy. It is promoting
pernicious legislation in the European Parliament intended to outlaw or
prevent third-party alternatives to its software that might now, or in
the future, offer competition.

To the average man in the street this may all seem greatly exaggerated -
something dreamt up by computer nerds. However,it *will* mean something
to the man in the street when a businessman finds Microsoft can cut him
off from access to his business until he pays more, or the home owner
finds he can no longer use his computer and personal data, because
Microsoft has decreed his software obsolete and can force expensive
updates of software and hardware without his consent. The EULA (End User
License Agreement) accompanying every bit of Microsoft software sets out
Microsoft's entitlements explicitly in the small print and will be,
indeed already is,a legal license for extortion without redress from the

There is good documentation validating my assertions in a rather long
article on
http://aaxnet.com/editor/edit029.html#mspath, particularly the section
titled: Microsoft "The Road Ahead". It gives a much better and more
informed account of the situation than I have been able to do. Please
visit this site. As regards the European legislation, I and a number of
others who are greatly concerned have already written to our MEPs about
it, and for your information I attach a copy of the letter sent to my

The only effective defence of the public's interest we can see working
in the long term is to promote Open Source, i.e largely non-proprietary,
software, whose huge number of volunteer supporters and developers
distributed internationally is not readily intimidated, bought out, or
overwhelmed by the financial might wielded by the Microsoft giant.This
is vital, because ultimately any third-party information technology,
software or hardware, that is to survive in competition with the
Microsoft monopolies will depend on having a viable alternative to the
Windows system.
We need to resist the blanket introduction of Microsoft systems into our
public services, especially if accompanied by 'sweeteners' that are
actually ties to long-term commitments.We need to bring pressure on many
institutions, like banks, to stop imposing the Microsoft system as a
condition of e-commerce, for example requiring the browser, Internet
Explorer, when alternative browsers offer equally high levels of
encryption and, particularly, when running on non-Windows systems, are
far less worm- and virus-ridden. 
There are many other situations where consumers need to be vigilant
against some insidious threat or other posed by Microsoft. There is a
group of us, very alive to the situation; and we could alert you at an
early stage when the need arises, if you would like us to do this...." 

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