On Wednesday 29 October 2003 02:32 pm, robin wrote:
> Tom Brinkman wrote:

> >    The patch in question wasn't 'Bleeding edge' or experimental
> > (alpha). It simply enabled packet writing to CD drives. A
> > feature now disabled in the 'fix' (kernel 2.4.22-21mdk) already
> > available, and various floppy images soon coming.  A shame from
> > my point of view. M$ has long encouraged and supported sloppy
> > non compliant hardware (and irresponsible users).
> >
> >    Now it seems even Linux users have to, or are willing to
> > accept this, and demand that their favorite distro does the
> > same.  People with junk fake-Cdroms are now safe, the rest of
> > us have to do without out of the box CD packet writing to
> > accommodate the ones who don't want to be bothered with knowing
> > their hardware. That think cheap junk non compliant hardware is
> > just fine, an should be protected by others. IOW's
> > back-asswards
> I think you're being a little unfair to the people who bought LG
> - how were they to know it was junk hardware?

     No clues?, price, the fact it's mostly an OEM ONLY Spec drive, 
mostly works only with M$. I know I offend some who have their 
hardware tied to their self worth, but if it says 'Dell' or some 
such anywhere on it, that's a good give away it's cheap non 
compliant M$ junk.  I wish Civileme was still around, he'd say 
exactly the same thing, just more tackfully. It needs sayin tho if 
we're to avoid this type of fiasco in the future.

> Just to prevent any further misunderstanding, I _do_ think LG are
> the guilty party here. I don't know how the law stands, but since
> the last time I looked, they were advertising Linux
> compatibility, there might be grounds for suing here.  I'm also
> _not_ encouraging irresponsibility - I just don't think a user
> expecting hardware not to blow up is irresponsible.  Hell, I use
> an LG drive at work (it's a writer, fortunately).
> Sir Robin

      Probly unfair to respond to your reply unless you saw my 
'follow up' link I posted. Sorry, meant to add it the first time 
around.  http://packet-cd.sourceforge.net/    Note that this early 
patch has been in existence, and the effort to bring writing data 
to CD in small increments, at least since the 2.4 kernel wasn't 
even released yet. IOW's a very long time, what about two years? 
Hardly alpha, experimental, untested.

    AND it does provide a very usefull an attractive feature. Gone 
missing now ;(  To the expense of many. Yes I can d/l the patch and 
run it against any kernel I wish to use, but why should I have to?  
An what about the users who can't or won't, even if their 
responsible enough to learn to avoid cheap win fake junk hardware 
like LG, Dell and other large ready mades.  Much of OEM ONLY 
hardware (or non hardware, eg win-modems) is substandard non 
compliant junk by definition.

     The hardware doesn't blow up, just it's non standard bios is 
corrupted. The drive can be fixed by replacing the firmware. The 
fact of the matter is any OS, any software that sends a normal 
CACHE_FLUSH can kill these drives. The vendor knew it, Dell, HP, 
Compaq, et al knew it, and it's the responsibility of users to know 
it too. Know what? you say. Don't buy cheap ready made computers or 
any of the hardware they use ... for use with real OS's. There's 
been too much evidence for too long.  Even many confirmed Win$ux 
users are responsible enough to avoid junk hardware.

    Many new and even some long time Linux users will be asking, 
some have already, "I can burn a partial sessions to a CD with 
Win$ux on the fly, just like writing to a floppy, and then still 
read the CD without closing it .... how come Linux can't do this?"  
Are you gonna be there to explain that ready made OEM hardware 
vendors collude with hardware manufacturers and M$ to (purposely) 
provide cheap hardware that only works properly with their systems?  
Many think LG's bios programmer is an idiot, I think they're all 
dumb like a fox.
    Tom Brinkman                  Corpus Christi, Texas

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