T.E. - I signed up for Twiki, Finally! Now what to I do for
entering information, and how many can I put in?
Read your post back to Anne, but I don't agree with you
about the worth of this page. I think it's great!
The most significant reason for this is because this will
be a list of scenarios by list members, who are 
significantly more accessible than many of the ones on the
MandrakeBizCases site, some of whom
don't work at those companies anymore, and a huge bunch
that will never answer requests for help or 

While those are good refernece points ( the Bizcases )
about how wide-spread Mandrake is being deployed, 
it doesn't give a lot of particulars about the hardware,
configurations, problems and solutions, etc. 

Because of that alone, this site will be better, but like
any new site, it will take some time to catch on.
List-members should be reminded and encouraged to input
their information onto the site regarding their
situations and solutions, Tips and Tricks, etc. 

As you and the whole list are aware, the members are
global. That means different time zones. So, for
example, if Stephen is asleep ( or if Joe Hill is filtering
everybody! Sorry Joe, I just couldn't resist! Grin! ),
and I have a similar problem to what they had, I can look
up their submissions to see how they solved it.
That also saves me from having to wake them up, or wait for
an answer that I need right now ( assuming 
that they'd let me wake them up! Grin! ).

See what I mean? The thing to remember is that this is
payback for all those "Glory Days" when we 
were considered crazy, eccentric ( or as I prefer to think
of all Linux enthusiasts - "Bleeding Edge" ),
computer nerds. Now that Linux is gaining a lot of
popularity, lists like this one will become very popular.
Sort of a Non-Profit, Open-Sourced version of Bill Gates!
And we get to give them the BIG - I.T.Y.S. 
( I TOLD YOU SO !). Like the man said,...PAYBACK'S A

We'll be the initial entry-point for an ever-increasing
amount of newbies, and we'll be considered Linux "Gurus"
( I hope I didn't make that sound too sarcastic? Grin!). If
the type of information this list offers is superior to 
other distro's ( Please begin flame wars AFTER I have left
the building! ), we'll be well on our way to ,...wait for


And really, isn't that what we're all striving for? Grin!

Sorry for all the Capital Letters everyone. They're just in
here for emphasis. Please forward all complaints to 
/dev/null !

Anyway, keep the good ideas coming! My rant ends here.


*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

On 11/14/2003 at 11:24 AM Tango Echo wrote:

>--- Anne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Friday 14 Nov 2003 2:50 pm, Tango Echo wrote:
>> > Sounds like a plan, Anne.  Just let me know where
>> this
>> > 'placeholder' is and I'll try to get something
>> > started...
>> >
>> Anne
>Ok, I threw something up on that location.  I wasn't
>able to add the industry pages because I don't know
>how to branch off from the main index page.  After
>more thoroughly browsing the extensive
>mandrakebizcases site, I'm begining to doubt the worth
>of this Twiki page.  I suppose a couple advantages to
>the Twiki page is that it is an "open forum" that
>maximizes exchange of information and we can have a
>more technical direction.  You were pretty much the
>only feedback for this page, and I do appreciate it!
>Should I assume everyone else was silent because they
>didn't read the thread or simply agreed with you? 
>Just trying to avoid any redundant work/information
>here, and make sure the community agrees with us...
>I'm open to more ideas and discussion as to how we can
>turn this into a mandrakebizcases enhancment instead
>of a mandrakebizcases rehash!  If this isnt possible,
>might as well axe it while it's young.
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