On Sun, Oct 24, 1999 at 05:25:01PM -0600, Patrick Neumann wrote:
> A couple of quick questions
> 1.  I am using Mandrake 6.0 and would like to us VMware ver 1.1 which
> requires xfree86 3.3.4 and ver 6 of mandrake only uses 3.3.1  What is
> the simplest way of getting this done.

Grab the updated packages that you require from any of the Cooker mirrors. 
You can find a list of those sites on the Mandrake web pages.  I would
imagine that VMWare requires 3.3.4 or later, so don't worry if the only
thing you can find is 3.3.5.
> 2.  I have a soundblasrter live.  I can get the cd player to work as a
> cd player, but am unable to get sound for other applications.  I used
> the most recent version of the driver from the devloper site from
> creative labs.  One other wierd thing is some times after the speakers
> are on for a while the will start a low tone beep that will only go away
> by rebooting the entire system.

No idea there... Does Creative offer support for their drivers?  Maybe a
> 3.  Has anyone figured away aroung the Vmware problem of not working
> with the  AMD K3 400 and windows 95 as a vertuila machine.  Windows 95
> requires a patch to allow it to work with the K6 3 series processors,
> but VM ware will not load windows with this patach.  I would really hate
> to have to upgrade to windows 98.  After all the whole Idea of linux is
> to get away from windows.

Then why run VMWare?! :)  Seriously, there was a technical support FAQ on
the VMWare website that covered this issue.  Try a search through there to
see if anything pops up.

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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