I have the same problem due to my video card ( Trident 3DImage 975 ).

To make it work well I had to put a Option "noaccel" line in the "Device"
section of my XF86Config.

----- Original Message -----
From: John Aldrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 1999 7:02 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE is unreadable - weird transparent windows

> On Tue, 02 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I just installed Linux-Mandrake 6.1 Power Pack and managed to get my X
> > server configured. I am able to run startx and get into KDE. The
> > appearance of KDE is, to say the least, weird. It's pretty much
> > unusable. Here's whats wrong:
> >
> > Click on any pop-up menu like the K menu and the menu is displayed as
> > word only, very difficult to read against the desktop background. In
> > other words, there's no solid window background against which one can
> > read the words. The same is true if I open the KDE Manager. I see the
> > frame of its window, the words in it vaguely, but the background of
> > the desktop shows through.  I can't tell how to change a thing,
> > because I can't read anything. If I try to move windows around,
> > strange afterimages are left all over the place.
> >
> Sounds like you've got Enlightenment on top of KDE for your
> X-windows manager..... E, AFAIK, is the only Window Manager
> which allows transparent windows...
> John

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