Look at:

1 )


I have Trident 3DImage 975 too, with the same situation: I ran xf86config,
choose defaults and KDE looks bad.

I apply the modifications sugested in 1 ) and 2 ) to XF86Config and then KDE
work quite well.

----- Original Message -----
From: Gregg Carrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 1999 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE is unreadable - weird transparent windows

> >>>The same is true if I open the KDE Manager. I see the
> >>> frame of its window, the words in it vaguely, but the background of
> >>> the desktop shows through.  I can't tell how to change a thing,
> >>> because I can't read anything. If I try to move windows around,
> >>> strange afterimages are left all over the place.
> >>>
> >> Sounds like you've got Enlightenment on top of KDE for your
> >> X-windows manager..... E, AFAIK, is the only Window Manager
> >> which allows transparent windows...
> >
> >On the contrary, this sounds like what happens to me when I bump my
> >video up to 32-bit color.  Out of curiosity, what
> >card/chipset do you have?
> Wow! Someone who seems to have seen this before! I have a Jaton
> which is a Trident 3D Image 975 chip. Supported, by all accounts, by the X
> Server. I have run xf86config many times, sometimes selecting the card,
> sometimes selecting the configuration details myself (although it never
> auto-selects for you) It gave me a TON of resolutions to choose from. I
> accepted default because I was at the time trying to get the damn thing to
> run at all. I have scrolled through the resoulutions using
> ctl-alt-[num+/num-] to no avail. Some resolutions don't show at all, and
> those that do show have this weird transparent window problem. I am
> convinced (by the various wisdom of benevolent newsgroup users) that this
> an X config problem. I looked through /etc/X11/XF86Config...even tried
> changing some stuff, so that it never pointed to "generic VGA" but always
> the device card I had configured. No dice. What should I be trying? Where
> should I be looking? Thanks for your help!
> Gregg

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