By the way, I can crash Mandrake Linux regularly in KDE. So don't think that
Linux can't crash. And Netscape is the worst piece of crap under Linux ever
invented! You people rant and rave about Microsoft's instability while
putting up with Netscape crashing dozens of times A DAY! I've seen many
Linux people acknowledge this and accept it. You are applying a  double

Sam Gentile

Principal Software Engineer  & Viridien Team Leader

170 High Street

Waltham, MA 02454

-----Original Message-----
From: Warren Doney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 05, 1999 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] MS releases new Windows and NT Keyboard (humor)

I Dual boot Mdk & a patched to the gills Norton Utilities equipped W98.
98 can be made fairly stable with a little effort. I haven't had a BSOD for
at least a week ;-) - plenty of browser crashes though (ISP advice: "have
you rebooted? windows just does that sometimes.......). I get browser
crashes with MDK/Netscape too, but usually Xkill sorts it out (ctrl+alt+
back once or twice). Mandrake 6.1 cost me about US$ 7.50 (inc postage)
What will W2k/NTx offer me that M6.1 doesn't? How much does it cost?

-----Original Message-----
From: Sam Gentile [Oh, everyone who doesn't agree with your viewpoint is a
"Microsoft plant?"
No, I am just an Engineer who has used both since 1993. You're spreading
crap and it's UN-professional as well as false. Have you used Windows NT?
Have you used Windows 2000 for 6 months as I have? No? THEN DON'T MAKE
STATEMENTS OUT OF YOUR BEHIND. I have told you the truth - I have been
running for 6 months and instead you choose to believe myths instead of
direct experience.

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