I want to agree with Seth here,  lets get back to Linux.  Here is a dumb
question.  What is MESA 3.1?  The reason I keep Win98 is so I can play Quake 2
online.  Can't wait for more gaming to come to the Linux community. 


On Fri, 05
Nov 1999, you wrote: > On Fri, 05 Nov 1999, you wrote: > > I'm only defending
against the stupid lies here and in the Linux community. > > If you made an
argument that Linux is better because.... that's OK. If you > > start spreading
lies like NT crashes left and right, I know it not to be > > true.  > 
> Key phrase there being "I know it not to be true".  Another person's truth
> might be totally different, so to call the statement "NT crashes left and right"
> a lie might be stepping on someone else's truth.  In the case of Windows, it's
> really a double edged sword.  For some people it works wonderfully, for some it
> works not quite as well.  Neither one is a lie, they are just things that
> different people "know it to be true."
> I mean, if we want to slam MS more we could tap a keg at the fact that a
> judge just ruled Microsoft a monopoly.  But on the other hand, we could
> rejoice at the fact that the judge also said that one of the reasons for his
> ruling of monopoly is that "there is no viable alternative (to Windows on the
> desktop)"', probably including linux.  Again the double edged sword, because
> this is certainly a statement that many of us linux users "know it NOT to be
> true" to paraphrase.  
> Personally, i have to go with whoever stated that there is room for both.  I
> use both and im not going to say one is that much better from a pure user
> standpoint.  Yes on the technical level i would have a different opinion, but
> thats not the point.  Some things i just like better under DOS/Win and some
> under linux.  It's a big world, some use one some use the other.  It's all good
> right?? 
> So now back to linux if anyone's read this far.  Is there any good DTP
> software?  Something on the order of Publisher?  Also, getting back to games
> (of course!) i saw this post on linuxgames with a list of commercial games
> available or coming soon.  For anyone interested they are:
> Soldier of Fortune - Soon
> Heroes of Might and Magic - Soon
> Hopkins FBI - Now - Requires XFree 3.3
> Quake 1 - Now - Requires Mesa 2.4
> Quake 2 - Now - Requires Mesa 3.0
> Quake 3 - November - Requires Mesa 3.1 or XFree 4.0
> Unreal Tournament - November - Requires Glide 2.53
> BFRIS - Now - Requires Mesa
> Descent 3 - Unsupported - Soon - Requires Mesa 3.0
> Kingpin - Unsupported - Now - Requires Mesa 3.0
> Ultima Online - Unsupported - Requires XFree 3.3
> Civilization CTP - Now - Require XFree 3.3
> Myth 2 - Now - Requires XFree 3.3 (Mesa 3.0 support soon)
> Railroad Tycoon - Now - Requires XFree 3.3
> Heretic 2 - December - Requires Mesa 3.1
> Heavy Gear 2 - January - Requires Mesa 3.1
> Eric's Ultimate Solitaire - October - Requires XFree 3.3
> Abuse - Free - Now
> Descent 1 - Now
> Doom/Doom 2 - Free - Now
> Heretic 1 - Free - Now - Requires XFree 3.3
> Hexen 1 - Free - Now
> Battlecruiser 3020AD/Millenium - 2000
> Neverwinter Nights - 2000
> Terminus - 2000 
> --
> Seth Gibson
> www.mp3.com/PSM0x2710
> members.tripod.com/cybernetic_thunder (Under Construction)
> Aggression Takes Its Toll.

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